What Do You Do If a Parent Dies Without a Will?

What Happens If a Parent Dies Without a Will? About 14% of individuals younger than 30 have a will, and 68% of Americans aged 65 and older have a will. What happens when someone dies without a will, and why is this document important? Here are some of the most...

How a Medicaid Trust Preserves Your Assets

Getting Nursing Home Care While Preserving Your Family’s Inheritance The cost of a semiprivate room in a nursing home has shot past $90,000 per year, placing a significant burden on families and threatening inheritances. Families end up needing Medicaid...

COVID-19’s Impact on Asset Prices

How COVID-19 Has Affected Certain Assets More Than Others The initial reaction to the COVID-19 outbreak was sheer panic on the part of investors. In May, the S&P 500 dropped roughly 30% in just 22 trading days. Many estate planners are now wondering which types of...